Saturday, 12 June 2010

Could This Be The Most Annoying Fifa World Cup Ever?

I had been looking forward to watching the Fifa World Cup 2010, but so far have only been driven half way to implosion by the constant torturous sound of the hideous Vuvuzelas.

It has become such a distraction from the actual football taking place, that the only real choice is to turn the volume down and miss out on the commentary, but that also diminishes the enjoyment of the match.

These one metre long stadium horns emit a loud monotone sound like a foghorn,and are about as entertaining as a dose of the pox. In fact, they have unanimously been described as "a giant hive full of very angry bees" and been associated with a list of ailments, such as permanent noise-induced hearing loss and spreading colds and flu germs. But still they belt out their incessantly annoying drone.

This is increasingly shaping up to be the most annoying world cup ever, and I'm not sure exactly how I'm going to blot out this far from background interference. There is also little comfort in the fact FIFA, who proclaimed; "We should not try to Europeanise an African World Cup," at least banned vuvuzelas any longer than one metre in length.

Therefore, in the meantime millions of football fans must now endure one and a half hours of nonstop, unvarying, monotonic sound at every single match of the 2010 Fifa World Cup. Either that or hit their mute buttons!

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